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Clinical Quality and Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical Quality Assurance


American Specialty Health Affiliates (ASHA) uses industry standard coding sets including the International Classification of Diseases, Current Procedure Terminology (CPT), and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), for reporting diagnoses, procedures, and other services. The use of such coding sets does not imply endorsement by the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Medical Association (AMA), or any other professional society.

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Appeals & Grievances


Professional Affairs Healthcare Advisory Committee

American Specialty Health (ASH) has implemented a Professional Affairs Healthcare Advisory Committee (PAHAC) that will include volunteer representatives from Professional Societies and practicing practitioners. ASH has invited national and state professional associations as well as other professional societies to be considered for participation on the PAHAC. ASH wishes to solicit and facilitate comment and input from such practitioners, associations and societies and will consider such input when developing policy and clinical guidelines. The PAHAC will be the vehicle for societies to voice input for consideration.

The PAHAC is implemented in addition to the currently active ASH committees (Quality Oversight Committee, Quality Improvement Committee, Practice Review Committee, Administrative Review Committee, Executive Review Committee, and Termination Hearing Panel) that already include practicing practitioners as regular standing members.

In addition to regularly scheduled PAHAC meetings, the members will be invited observers and will be allowed to present professional opinion as a part of the ASH Evidence Evaluation Committee process.

No PAHAC found for the year 2025

Non-Participating Practitioner Claims Packet